Monday, August 2, 2010

2 month check-up

Cole had his 2 month check-up today (even though he is only 7 1/2 weeks). He is a BIG boy. He now weighs 13.2 lbs (yes, you read that correctly) and is 23 and 3/4 inches long--so he basically has grown 3 inches and gained gulp...6 lbs since he was born. Dr. said he looks great though so no worries--just gonna be a big boy. He is sleeping wonderfully--about 5 hours for his first stretch at night and then another 3-4 hours after that--really can't complain. He hates to nap however, so I guess I will take the trade-off to have my sleep at night :) Maddy loves her little brother--she calls him her "baby Cole".

Cole and his cousin Chandler

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Welcome Baby Cole

Okay, well, it has been a while since I last posted, since then we have added a new addition to our family--Cole Kristofor Melo born 6/11/10, 7 lb, 6oz, 21 and 3/4 inches. He is a wonderful baby boy and we are enjoying him! Below are some pictures along with some miscellaneous 2010 pictures of Maddy.

Easter 2010

Silly Maddy saying "cheese" at the zoo

Big Sister

Mommy & Cole

Sleepy Maddy at the hospital watching her DVD