Saturday, January 12, 2008

5 Weeks Old!!!

So I finally have had some time to upload a bunch of pictures to our computer (that and Dan finally showed me how to do it since I am kind of retarded at these types of things). I have posted kind of an eclectic mix of pictures of Miss Madison. We are finally getting a schedule established and hopefully if all goes well in another couple of weeks she will start sleeping through the night...fingers crossed! I think she probably weighs about 8.5 pounds now (I held her while I weighed myself), but she is starting to outgrow some of her newborn outfits--already!!! Well, enjoy the below pictures that are in no particular order. One of these days I will take pictures of her nursery as promised.
My popeye look when I do exercises on mommy's lap

My Angry Face when I get burped

Sleeping on Daddy

5 Weeks Old!!!

Another Christmas mom, brother, myself & Maddy

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